Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake

The Cascadia Threat
A Cascadia event is based on the threat of a catastrophic magnitude 9.0 Subduction Zone earthquake and resultant tsunami. Coastal counties will experience a devastating tsunami on top of severe ground shaking (up to five minutes). Shaking intensity will be less in the I-5 Corridor and Southern, Central, and Eastern Oregon, but older buildings may incur extended damage.

Expected Impacts
Ground shaking for 4-6 minutes causing massive critical infrastructure damage
Liquefaction and landslides causing disruption of transportation routes
Tsunami inundation to coastal areas with as little as 15 minutes warning
Up to 25,000 fatalities resulting from combined effects of earthquakes and tsunami
Tens of thousands of buildings and structures destroyed or damaged
Tens of thousands of people in need of shelter because of destroyed or damaged households
$30+ billion in economic loss